Friday 19 October 2018


Yesterday we had athletics and most of the people had to walk down to the field where we were doing it at but if you were doing the long distance run you got a ride down and you went a bit earlier than everyone else. I was a long distance runner and for the race you had to run 1200 meters. Everybody went at different age groups some groups had about 10 or more people in it my group had 5, 3 boys and 2 girls the year 5s went first then the 6s then the 7s then the 8s (im a year 8) I came 1st in my race.
We also had other sports like long jump, high jump, 60 meter sprints, 80 meter sprints, shot put discus and run relays.

I am hoping to get through to the Grey District Athletic Sports.

Friday 21 September 2018


On Monday we started prep. prep is a thing we do every year at Greymain School its when in every class we have a couple different groups where they can decide on who is CEO and who are the workers then they have to make product to sell for fake prep money at miny market or big market, you start off the business with $300 (fake money) and can buy materials from the fake warehouse (Our Library) and you can use them to make your product. There are also other jobs you can apply for like banker and warehouse, manager, advertising agency and police to be in police you must be a year 8 though. 

Friday 14 September 2018

Tie Dye shirt

Last week We had to tie dye t-shirts for the art soiree which is today. This is my one

Thursday 6 September 2018

Chapter 16

This is my comprehension questions for chapter 16 that we read today :)


Friday 10 August 2018


On Wednesday I represented Grey Main School at West-A-Maths. This was a privilege and I have earnt my West-A-Maths digital badge.