Friday 4 September 2015

Mult and add for Fractions

2/10 of 20=10 2x10=20  
5/1 of 25=5 5x1=5
2/4 of 40=20 2x4=8
⅚ of 30=5  5x6=40
⅓ of 21= 77x3=21
⅔ of 15=10 2x3=9

3/10 of 30=9 3x10=30


  1. wooooooooooooooow that is a lot of maths:-)

  2. Hi Nik, I love it when you worked all these out and shared them! Can you do this again in your spare time? ~ Shakanna & Emma

  3. Hi Nik, I love it when you worked all these out and shared them! Can you do this again in your spare time? ~ Shakanna & Emma


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.